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The Davis® Approach:

Non-verbal thinkers

The Davis approach understands that some individuals, including those with dyslexia, dyspraxia, and dyscalculia, have a remarkable ability for non-verbal thinking. This  makes them incredibly imaginative and able to reason in creative ways. However, dealing with regular text and symbols can be difficult, leading to confusion and learning challenges.


Non-verbal  thinking is also incredibly fast, often subliminal, and imagination can be experienced as if it were reality. This can lead to challenges with focus and attention, e.g. ADHD.


Davis® programmes have been perceived and developed from the inside out by the amazing Ron Davis, a profoundly dyslexic and autistic individual who discovered how to manage and resolve his issues. He then found that his experiences were common to other dyslexics, and that his solutions could be taught effectively.


Each of the four types of programme, although containing a core of common themes, are tailored specifically to the goals of each individual client. 




Davis® methods for neurodivergent thinkers and learners.

Tools of the imagination

Enabling accurate focus and perception; calm alertness; and an ability to choose appropriate energy levels for tasks and effective communication, these tools are the starting point of all Davis programmes. 

A catching and balancing activity


These reading exercises are designed to make reading comfortable and easy, training the eye to track smoothly from left to right, and supporting comprehension and recall. They are particularly helpful when phonics instruction has not been effective.

Creating a focus point above and behind the head.


These activities strengthen coordination, open neural pathways and further support focus and attention. They bring the senses into alignment for optimal perception.

Using card to reveal text slowly while reading.

Davis® symbol mastery and clay modelling
This creative activity explores and resolves a variety of challenges faced by neurodivergent thinkers.

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